Town Plan Commission
Town Comprehensive Plan
The 2018-2038 Comprehensive Plan provides a 20 year vision for the physical, social, and economic development of the Town. The Plan is comprehensive in scope and provides goals, objectives, policies, maps, and programs to help guide development of the Town. All ordinances, such as rezonings and other land use decisions, must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Plan provides guidance and direction to help the Town make rational, consistent decisions that are consistent with the values and desires of the residents.
By State law, every municipality in Wisconsin is required to adopt a Comprehensive Plan that includes, at a minimum 9 required elements. The 9 required elements are:
- Issues and Opportunities
- Housing
- Transportation
- Utilities and Community Facilities
- Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
- Economic Development
- Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Land Use
- Implementation
The Town's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in September 2009 and was updated in 2018
Subdivision Ordinance
Plan Commission Members
Karen Tomesh: Chairperson, Town Board Representative (April 2025)
Robert Solberg: Co-Chairperson, Town Board Chair, 3 Year Term (April 2025)
Brian Binczak: Town Resident, 3 Year Term (April 2025)
Derek Trainor: Town Resident, 3 Year Term (April 2025)
Greg Fahrman: Town Resident, 3 Year Term (April 2027)
Dustin Hurtgen: Town Resident, 3 Year Term (April 2027)
Vacant: Town Resident, 3 Year Term (April 2027)